Friday, October 9, 2009


I forget things all the time.  I'm an equal opportunist with my forgetfulness.  It doesn't matter if it's for myself,  somebody else or the grocery list.  By that, I mean the whole grocery list.  I'm great at remembering to make a grocery list but it rarely finds it's way to the store with me.  If I do remember to bring it with me, the only thing that list does is double the amount of time that I'll spend there. Because how am I supposed to remember to bring a pen to check things off the list?  The problem is the items on the list don't line up exactly with the layout of the store.  I'm presented with two options.  Use my fingernail to try and scratch the item off the list, which turns into a big game of memory trying to remember what's still on the list and what's in the cart.  Or sequentially work my way down the list.  I'll end up passing by the banana's three times, wondering why my wife couldn't put the bananas, oranges, apples and grapefruit together.

Yet, certain mundane acts go by without ever being forgotten.  I have never heard anybody say "I can't believe I left the shower running all day long.  That's the second time this week!"  Could you imagine forgetting to turn the lawnmower off?  "There goes the neighbor cursing up a storm because he left the mower running again for over a hour."  Or the how about leaving the vacuum cleaner on.  "What's that noise coming from the closet?  Silly me, I must have forgot to turn off the vacuum when I put it away."

Sadly, I see the trend of forgetfulness increasing in my life.  I don't think that I could remember to turn off my headlights everyday for an entire year.  Up to this point in my life, I haven't successful reached this goal.  To combat this, I purchased one of those portable car boosters.  It's saved me a couple of times.  The only problem is that I took it in to charge up the battery one night and forgot it in the house.  Why not look at the bright side?  Soon, I'll have forgotten all about it.

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