Friday, September 11, 2009

Drunken Party Pictures

I have noticed a facebook pictures trend. The amount of cat pictures posted has stayed at an alarmingly high level however I have learned to just ignore those. The latest fad in drunken party pictures has me worried. Why not not take drunken party pictures?

There are really only two types of pictures that people post. Cat pictures and drunken party pictures. What is it about being drunk that reminds people to bring out their camera and start taking pictures of everybody. I could see a fire breathing dragon and not remember to take out my camera. Yet somehow these pictures are all over my friends facebook. Maybe the alcohol increases ones ability to use a camera, I always thought that was driving - so confused.

I'm surprised that there's not drunken cat party pictures. Imagine a picture of a cat with a bunch of empties in the background. Another picture of a cat beside a guy passed out covered in shaving cream. One of these days I will remember to bring my camera and hopefully get a picture of drunk guy with a cat being chased by a fire breathing dragon.

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