Monday, November 30, 2009


There are some jobs out there that everybody wants.  A lot of those dream jobs end with the word critic. There's film critic, book critic, art critic,  video game critic and food critic.  This got me thinking, why not become one of these critics?  Then I realized, why would I want to limit myself to criticize just one thing when I would prefer to criticize everything?

Now the title of "critic" alone would be great but as soon as you add a suffix to the end it's just a way of limiting the things that you can complain about.  Think of all things that your opinion would no longer be valid for.  "What do you know about politics, Nick, you're just a food critic?"  I couldn't even watch a football game with my friends anymore.  "Oh look.  Mr. Book Critic thinks he knows about sports now too; it must be nice being a nerdler-know-it-all."  Now in all honesty, I hear those complaints already, just without the term food critic or book critic on the end.  But why should I add fuel to the fire?

I've been told by my wife that the purpose of a critic is to judge the merit of something and not merely criticize it.  However, I feel that the title of "critic" affords one the right to criticize if thats what he or she want to do.  I'm not entirely certain that everything that I'm saying is a criticism either.  Is it my fault that I thought the ice cream was way too cold and that the sky's too blue?

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